Hair Care


Services offered for claiming anti-dandruff and dandruff reduction claims on your hair care products like shampoos, oils, hair masks etc .We provide scalp health and dandruff reduction testing using advanced hair follicle tissues and reconstructed skin tissues to prove your label claims.

Hair Growth

Services offered for claiming hair growth using various hair care products. We use ELISA for Growth Factors Measures the concentration of growth factors and cytokines involved in hair growth and follicle health, providing insights into the product’s impact on these critical factors and Keratinocyte Proliferation Assay test Evaluates the effects of the product on the growth and proliferation of keratinocytes, which play a role in hair follicle regeneration.

Itch Relief

Services offered for claiming itch relief benefits on your hair care products. We provide itch reduction and soothing effect testing using using specific biomarker of anti-inflamation testing using Genoskin ,EPISKIN and ELISA Technology to prove your product efficacy.

No Tears

Services offered for claiming “No tear drops” on products like baby care shampoo, soaps, eye drop, eye mask and other products. We use corneal tissues and ELISA technology to prove your product label claims.


Services offered for claiming Anti-Graying on your product like hair colour , hair mask , shampoo and other products, We offer ELISA technology Melanocyte Cultures test Cultivates melanocytes (cells responsible for pigment production) to test the product’s impact on melanin synthesis and retention. Arbor Assays technique Oxidative Stress Assays which Measures the product’s ability to reduce oxidative stress in melanocytes, which is linked to hair graying.
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