Cosmetic Claims

What are Cosmetic Product Claims?

According to the Cosmetics Regulations worldwide products refer to all preparations or substances intended to be applied to various external parts of the human body, such as the epidermis, nails, hair, lips, external genital organs, teeth, and oral mucosa, for the purpose of cleaning, imparting fragrance, changing appearance, and/or protecting or maintaining the body odor, with the sole or main purpose of these products being any of these parts.

Claims are the information, statements, or visuals used on the label, packaging, and/or promotions of cosmetic products regarding their characteristics, efficacy, and/or safety.

A decision on whether a product will be considered as cosmetic is made by evaluating the following elements together. Based on the evaluation of this information related to the product, the product should comply with the definition of a cosmetic product.

  • Product composition
  • Intended use
  • Application area and form
  • Presentation
  • Mechanism of action
  • Claims

Cosmetic product claims should adhere to the following common criteria.

  • Legal compliance
  • Accuracy
  • Supporting evidence
  • Honesty
  • Fairness-Competition
  • Decision-making based on information

In this article, we compile for you the most common claims found on cosmetic products in the market, based on Ministry presentations and announcements. We will address the points to be considered in the claims of cosmetic products.

– Substances or mixtures used to make medical diagnoses or to restore, correct, or change physiological functions cannot be considered within the scope of cosmetic products.

For example:

  • Products aimed at relieving joint or muscle pain and supporting connective tissue,
  • Products applied to varicose veins,
  • Products used to alleviate bruises, swelling, and bruises,
  • Products used to relieve itching due to medical reasons/disease,
  • Products that affect mouth dryness by increasing saliva production,
  • Products that treat or prevent acne,
  • Products used in psoriasis treatment,
  • Products used to prevent or treat oropharyngeal diseases despite being applied to the oral mucosa,
  • Products for wound care or treatment by their purpose or presentation,
  • Products such as pencils or similar products used specifically for sealing small cuts caused by shaving,
  • Products presented as antibacterial and offered as controlling the growth and activity of microorganisms in live tissue or tissue,
  • Products for nail diseases,
  • Products used for eczema, fungal, or other skin diseases.

– Substances or mixtures that restore, correct, or change physiological functions by showing pharmacological, immunological, or metabolic effects cannot be evaluated within the scope of cosmetic products.

For example:

  • Products that plump lips through inflammation or irritation,
  • Products aimed at alleviating mucosal dryness,
  • Products designed for use in the genital organs for birth control purposes,
  • Topical enlargement products showing estrogenic activity,
  • Products and applications used in the treatment of cellulite,
  • Products used in restless leg syndrome.

– Even if the presentation of a product is aimed at a cosmetic purpose, if the intended use implies a disease causality or aims to alleviate disease symptoms, it cannot be evaluated within the scope of cosmetic products.

For example:

  • Products presented with claims to heal or protect atopic skin or skin from atopy,
  • Products showing significant pharmacological, immunological, or metabolic effects by addressing the cause of bruising, bruises, or dark circles under the eyes and other color distortions,
  • Products that relieve tired, swollen, or heavy legs by affecting minor circulation disorders,
  • Products claiming to remove scars, If a product is presented by mentioning an underlying disease (for example, itching can be presented as a symptom of a disease even if itching is not a disease.)

– Claims stating that a cosmetic product is approved or allowed by the Ministry of Health or another Institution cannot be included in the label, packaging, promotions, etc. of the cosmetic product.

For example:

  • Statements like the product is authorized by the Ministry of Health or has notification…

– Claims implying “does not contain” or similar claims related to a component banned by the Cosmetic Regulation should not be used. Legal requirements are not a feature of the product but a requirement of legislation.

For example:

  • Does not contain harmful ingredients.
  • Does not contain prohibited ingredients.
  • Does not contain formaldehyde.
  • Does not contain nickel.
  • Does not contain hydroquinone.
  • Does not contain corticosteroids.

– If a specific component of a cosmetic product is claimed to be included, that component must be present in the product.

For example: For a snail extract cream, it is not sufficient for the raw material “Allantoin” to be present in the formula. The product must contain “Snail Extract”.

– Claims or similar claims stating “does not contain” for components that are not used due to the structure of the products are not appropriate.

For example: Claiming “does not contain preservatives*” in a product containing a high amount of alcohol is not appropriate.

*The claim “Does not contain preservatives” is not a valid claim since it is not possible to test all preservatives allowed in cosmetic products.

– In “does not contain” analyses, the analysis of the component intended should be performed.

For example: In products like deodorants, roll-ons, since aluminum or aluminum salts are intended, it would be correct to analyze aluminum salts. If it is intended that it does not contain aluminum metal, then the metal analysis should be done

– Claims of cosmetic products with the same characteristics should not imply one as superior to the other.

For example: Unique, Best, Most effective, Only in Turkey, First and only, etc…

– Claims of cosmetic products should be objective and should not discredit their competitors or legally used components. Claims of cosmetic products should not lead to misconceptions about a competitor’s product.

For example:

  • Does not contain harsh chemicals like triclosan.
  • Does not contain harmful ingredients such as preservatives, perfume, and colorants.
CytokinesReflect inflammation and immune response; used to monitor autoimmune diseases, chronic inflammatory diseases, and cancer.
CD4/CD8 RatioReflects immune system status; used in monitoring HIV infection and other immunodeficiency disorders.
Tumor Necrosis Factor-alpha (TNF-alpha)Indicates systemic inflammation, autoimmune diseases, and cancer; used to monitor response to TNF-alpha-targeting treatments.
(8-OHdG)Indicates oxidative DNA damage and oxidative stress; relevant for monitoring aging, cancer, and cardiovascular diseases.
Calcium (Ca) and Phosphate (P) LevelsMeasures nutritional status and oxidative stress.
Keratin 14 (K14) Involved in skin cell proliferation and disorders.
IgE Antibodies Useful for diagnosing allergies and atopic conditions.
IL-4 and IL-13 Indicators of Th2 immune responses and allergic inflammation.
IFN-γ Reflects Th1 immune responses and is associated with cellular immunity.
HRIPT Assesses the potential for allergic contact dermatitis.
(8-OHdG)It reduces antiagieng and anti-oxidative and also inflammatory disease reduction .
(TNF-alpha)Boost immune system.
c reactive proteinhelp find or monitor inflammation in acute or chronic conditions, including: Infections from bacteria or viruses.
interleukins It plays a vital role in the cellular communication between epithelial cells and the immune system under inflammatory conditions.
Beta-Carotene Beta carotene is a potent antioxidant that may benefit skin and for clear vision and it prevents eye disease.
MC1R,MC1R is one of the key proteins involved in regulating mammalian skin color and hair color.
,Hydroquinone it is used to treat areas of dyschromia, such as in melasma, chloasma, solar lentigines, freckles, and post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation.
cysteinyl dopaused in the diagnosis of melanoma and for the detection of postoperative metastases.
DHICA-Melanin protect microorganisms, such as bacteria and fungi, against stresses that involve cell damage such as UV radiation from the sun and reactive oxygen species
Collagen I & IIIgives strength to your skin and maintain it healthy
Keratin 14 (K14)It helps support your skin, heal wounds and keep your nails and hair healthy.
MMP 8MMP-8 is often used as a biomarker for periodontal disease, Wound healing
Nuclear Factor-kappa B (NF-κB) It gives regulating immune to infection
IL-1 Receptor Antagonist (IL-1Ra)cytokine interleukin-1β (IL-1β) is a key mediator of the inflammatory response.


  • Products for sexual purposes,
  • Products whose usage purpose is general disinfection, although the usage area is within the definition of cosmetics,
  • Shoe, room, car perfume or spray,
  • False eyelashes or nail adhesives,
  • Relieves diaper rash, relieves irritation in the diaper area of babies.
  • Helps reduce cellulite.
  • Provides relief in joint and muscle areas.
  • Increases blood circulation, increases microcirculation.
  • Reduces the appearance of veins / capillaries, etc.
  • Reduces the depth of wrinkles / helps reduce wrinkles.
  • Prevents/treats/stops/heals acne.
  • Helps reduce dark circles and bags under the eyes.
  • Halts aging.
  • Appear slimmer with slimming effect.
  • Aids in fat burning.
  • Helps eliminate dandruff.
  • Stimulates hair roots/follicles.
  • Reduces/thins hair.
  • Shampoo that provides a definite solution to scalp problems.
  • End to baldness.
  • Claims with references to a component such as “antibacterial, antiseptic, anti-inflammatory, etc.”
  • Removes bruises.
  • Prevents gum diseases.
  • Helps you achieve healthy gums.
  • Formulated against gum swelling and dark red gums.
  • Removes tartar.
  • Cooling/relieving legs.
  • Sweat regulator.
  • Provides relief for babies (especially applied to the stomach area).
  • Effective in aromatherapy.
  • Provides a Botox effect.
  • Helps repair damage caused by UV rays from the sun.
  • Reduces melanin synthesis.
  • Hyperkeratosis treatment.
  • For atopic dermatitis.
  • For skin with dermatitis and irritation.
  • Reduces and prevents redness (unless it is a product like foundation, concealer).
  • Irritated skin
  • Skin with low tolerance
  • Skin easily irritated by atopy
  • Peeling skin
  • Soothing sensitivity
  • For damaged problematic skin
  • For skin prone to irritation
  • Cell renewal.
  • Tightens sagging skin tissue.
  • Lengthens, thickens hair, eyebrows, and eyelashes.
  • Promotes the growth of new hair, eyebrows, and eyelashes.
  • Suitable for pregnant women, menopausal women, and those using birth control pills.
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