Anti-Photoaging / SPF Aging

Protecting skin from UV-induced photo-aging is essential. Photo-aging refers to the premature aging of the skin caused by repeated exposure to UV rays from the sun or artificial sources. UV rays can damage the skin’s structure, leading to signs such as fine lines around the eyes and mouth, forehead expression lines, pigmentation spots, uneven complexion, and a loss of skin tone. These aging signs can appear prematurely due to UV exposure.

To address the increasing demand for ingredients that repair and protect against UV damage, many anti-photoaging ingredients are available with with proven biological activity, tested using advanced technology. We validate the cosmetic actives’ effectiveness through rigorous laboratory testing on reliable 3D tissue models.

Cosmetic Products

Milk Sunscreen SPF 100

Wrinkle Repair Retinol Oil


UV Clear Broad-Spectrum SPF 46

Biomarker Testing List:

BiomarkerScientific Pathway DetailsUsed to Prove Claims
MMP8It is involved in processes like wound healing, tissue remodeling, and the immune response.reducing wrinkle formation
(8-OHdG). Accumulation of 8-OHdG is linked to aging, cancer, and other degenerative diseases.Antioxidant protection
1α (IL-1α)promoting the immune cells to the site of inflammation, and stimulating the production.treatment of acne or dermatitis
MMP1process crucial for normal tissue remodeling, wound healing, and angiogenesis.improving skin firmness.
6 (IL-6) pro-inflammatory cytokines that play significant roles in the immune response, inflammation, and aging processes within the, anti-aging treatment

Scientific Driven with our Technology:

Using our expertise in immunology and cell culture, we develop immunoassays based on ELISA principle. Using cutting edge tools like 3D tissues (some of which are OECD approved for skin / cornea irritation), we bring the human experimentation into the labs. Curating a list of research publications, we have developed a platform to test products for their biomarkers mimicking the human model to generate data to back our label claims.    

Read our Blog on Cosmetic Product Claims and other Product Claims (natural / herbal / naturopathy etc)

Reference Research Articles:

Protection against UV – Explosure

  • A human skin model to evaluate the protective effect of compounds against UVA damage
  • International Journal of Cosmetic Science
  • Abadie, P. Bedos, J. Rouquette
  • First published: 12 September 2019
  • SIRT1 activation mediates heat-induced survival of UVB damaged Keratinocytes
  • Author details 1 School of Medical Science, Edith Cowan University, 270 Joondalup Drive, Joondalup, Perth, WA 6027, Australia. 2 GENOSKIN Centre Pierre Potier, Oncopole, Toulouse, France. 3 School of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine, University of Western Australia, Crawley, WA, Australia.
  • Received: 2 December 2016 Accepted: 2 June 2017
  • Published 10 june 2017.

 The roles of cytokines in photoaging

Journal of dermatological science

Seiji Kondo

10 April 2000

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In-Vitro UV Protection Assay

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In-Vitro DNA Damage Assessment

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